Asking for help, should you?
Assume all goes as scheduled by the time this posts I will be the father of two children.
I'm taking a break from tech for today because I'm short on time, resources, preparedness and sleep.
Being the father of one autistic child and father to a very pregnant wife who is having an extremely rough pregnancy has been hard!
I'm worn out. I know our house isn't ready for two kids, but it isn't the complete disaster it was before my wife's mom intervened and helped us reclaim the kitchen, part of our bedroom and part of my sons room.
One of the hardest things for me to learn over the years has been to learn when and how to ask for help. It's not easy.
I like to be self sufficient.
I like doing things myself.
I like fixing things myself.
I can't do everything.
I'm not an expert in everything.
I don't have the time to do everything.
Even now while I type this post, anxiety is telling me I should be cleaning kitchen, doing laundry, packing bags, playing with son.
One of the ways you really learn who your friends and family that care about you is to ask for help and see who jumps. (Not everyone is able.) But some will. Someone will help.
It's OKAY to as for help.
Part of why I write this blog is to HELP. Help you understand technology.
This post is to help you understand life and parenting.
This same principal applies to all aspects of life. No one person can know everything.
Asking for help is not a weakness.
It is a sign of understanding. It is knowing when you have hit your limits and that you need someone else expertise or skills to get past an obstacle.
Asking for help shows strength of character and humility.
When you need help.
Also, it's a girl. Yes, even this tech blog post will eventually get baby pics. This is me not apologizing in advance.
I'm taking a break from tech for today because I'm short on time, resources, preparedness and sleep.
Being the father of one autistic child and father to a very pregnant wife who is having an extremely rough pregnancy has been hard!
I'm worn out. I know our house isn't ready for two kids, but it isn't the complete disaster it was before my wife's mom intervened and helped us reclaim the kitchen, part of our bedroom and part of my sons room.
One of the hardest things for me to learn over the years has been to learn when and how to ask for help. It's not easy.
I like to be self sufficient.
I like doing things myself.
I like fixing things myself.
I can't do everything.
I'm not an expert in everything.
I don't have the time to do everything.
Even now while I type this post, anxiety is telling me I should be cleaning kitchen, doing laundry, packing bags, playing with son.
One of the ways you really learn who your friends and family that care about you is to ask for help and see who jumps. (Not everyone is able.) But some will. Someone will help.
It's OKAY to as for help.
Part of why I write this blog is to HELP. Help you understand technology.
This post is to help you understand life and parenting.
This same principal applies to all aspects of life. No one person can know everything.
Asking for help is not a weakness.
It is a sign of understanding. It is knowing when you have hit your limits and that you need someone else expertise or skills to get past an obstacle.
Asking for help shows strength of character and humility.
When you need help.
Also, it's a girl. Yes, even this tech blog post will eventually get baby pics. This is me not apologizing in advance.
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