Smart Home tips.

Smart home technology is becoming ever more popular.  But everyone forgets about one key component that can ruin your experience. 

Your home router.  

Most people who are not tech savvy use their providers router.   These are typically capable of handling up to 6 devices without major slow downs.   Once you add that 7th device, things become sluggish.  Add 8 and your network may seem downright slow.   

My home has about 18 devices 7-12 of which are active all the time.   I use a mid-high end ASUS router with 8 antenna and 3 networks across multiple channels.   I divide my traffic up by putting TV's, Lights, and other appliance types on 1 network.   

I put computers, desktop and laptops on the second wireless network.

And my phones and kids tablets are on the third network.   I also have an Akita Smart home Monitoring device in addition to my routers packet inspection and firewall features.   

I also enable all the default firewall capabilities of every device (where applicable). 

Find out your routers capabilities before adding more devices.  You might be surprised by how much bandwidth.  

Here is a quick checklist to determine how many devices you have. 
Smart Phone.
Smart TV
Smart lights
Smartt appliances
Smart locks
Home Security system
Kindle, Android, iOS devices. (Tablets)
Laptop computers
Desktop Computers
Smart home speakers (Alexa, Google)
Smart home displays (
Smart thermostats (nest, etc.)

Every one of these devices uses up some of your bandwidth.  Everyone is a potential vector for malicious people to hack your home.

Also, you probably want to stick to devices that are all compatible with whatever you use as your primary home device, be it Alexa, google, or Siri.


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