How to copy large files faster.

Over many years I have tried dozens of different methods to copy large amounts of files. On home small networks windows drag and drop is sufficient. 

But when you start moving 500+gigs and 100k files, you want something more robust.

The clear winner is still Robocopy.

If you haven't used Robocopy or are afraid of the command line, use winRobocopy.  It is free and builds the command line for you.

The reason I recommend Robocopy is MULTI-THREADED. 

Windows Drag and Drop uses between 1-8 threads to copy files.

Robocopy can be set as high as 128.  This can change 1 day copies to just a few hours.

This means it uses 128 channels so is effectively copying up to 128 files or segments of files simultaneously. 

There are many additional switches you can use and this GUI makes it really easy to build commands and then copy and paste into the command line.

 #sysadmin #techtools #techutilities


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