Pay it forward!

Has someone done something nice for you?  Random act of kindness or inspiration that gave you a little pick me up when you needed it?   Did they help you overcome one of life's many hurdles? 

I'm going to say something weird, don't worry about paying them back for their kindness or generosity.  PAY IT FORWARD!.   Help someone else out in their time of need.  Smile at someone who is frowning.  Compliment someone who looks like they are having a bad day.   A little bit of kindness can go a long way. 

Recently I had a dog who was shot by a crazy neighbor and he had to have a leg amputated because the femur was shattered at the hip joint.  I didn't have the money for the surgery.  We started a fundraiser to help us cover most of the cost of the surgery and we raised a little over $3500 to cover most of the surgery.  We still had about $2000 in Emergency and post care bills, but we were able to cover that.  I now share stories about other people and their situations and when I have the funds, support others in tight spots to pay forward the kindness and generosity people showed me. 

We as people can choose to focus on the good, or the bad.  Sometimes it is REALLY hard to focus on the good, but I feel better focusing on the good and letting go of the bad.  It takes effort and will to be positive, but it gets easier.  Paying kindness forward has it's own rewards.  Helping someone else overcome hurdles and obstacles is an accomplishment.  It is why teachers do what they do!  Help inspire others so they can go out and create.

I do what I can to inspire others.  Will you help inspire me?


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