Feeling inspirational today.

This is a practice I do every day at some point.  Sometimes, I'm driving, sometimes I'm walking, sometimes I hear something on the radio, regardless, I take a few moments every day to appreciate something I see. 

Everything we see on this beautiful planet of ours was forged in the heart of long dead stars.  Every atom of our bodies, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the earth we stand on are the result of billions of years of evolution. Our lives play out on a tiny spec of dust orbiting giant nuclear ball of gas in an average galaxy in a universe of billions of galaxies.  We are but tiny pieces of the universe trying to understand itself.*

So take a moment to appreciate something you see, a mother and her child playing in the park, a flight of birds migrating, a squirrel looking for its next meal, whatever you see that makes you smile. Stop and appreciate it the fact that 14 billion years, countless long exploded stars, and 4 billion years of natural selection has lead to this brief moment that we call the here and now, for once it is gone, you will never get it back. 

The world is full of beauty and wonder, just open your eyes and look around. 

* - paraphrased from Cosmos, Carl Sagan and Niel De Grasse Tyson versions.


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