Russian hackers and your home network.

There has been a lot of press about the Russian hackers and the VPNFilter malware infecting home routers.

Well, Symantec made a tool to check if your Router is infected.  I would recommend checking your home router even if you have a different model router than the known infected list as the investigators are slowly discovering more models and the hackers are working to spread the infection.

If you are infected, it will mean a little bit of work for you.   You will need to do a Hard RESET on your router (usually a button that you need to use a paperclip or pen tip to push.)  Then you will need to download the latest firmware from the manufacturer website.

My posting schedule has been off due to major projects at my day job eating up a tremendous amount of my time as well as a 6 year old and a newborn.

See my previous post FBI Warning for more details.

Thanks for Reading.
Please Stay Safe on the internet.

URL of the Symantec Tool:


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