The future of the internet thanks to Net Neutrality repeal.

Welcome to 2018 everyone. I hope you had a Happy and Safe New Year however you choose to celebrate.

I'd like to thank you for reading this blog. 

I'd like to remind you that the internet is a dangerous place and this year it is going to start getting UGLY.

With the Net Neutrality repeal, the internet in the US is going to take a rapid turn toward big corporations and small independent blogs, vlogs are going to get tossed aside.   This is not an IF.  This is a when . Large companies like Netflix, Facebook, and others can now pay for preferential treatment through your service provider. 

I don't think Google will participate, but if it's legal and profitable, a company will use any advantage they can gain.   What am I talking about... YouTube, Blogger, and basically any other Alphabet/Google Company.   Someone could in theory now pay for a preferred status on Google so that their blog/vlog etc stream faster and easier than someone else's.

Okay, is it really that bad?

YES!   Let me make an example, that small independent makeup vlog you follow, may take 10 minutes to load a 3 minute video.  This is called throttling.  You play a similar video from say Revlon, and it loads and plays immediately.  That's because Revlon paid for their content to STREAM FASTER. 

This creates pay for speed traffic lanes on the internet.   The small independents will get drowned out but the conglomerates.

So if you like being able to surf the entire world with whatever speed you can get from your ISP, say goodbye.   The digital world is going to shrink to whatever your ISP allows.  They can cut the bandwidth for everything but what they want you to use so slow you won't want to use it. 

They will do it because they can legally do it and profit from it. 

For Further Reading:

Thank you for reading.
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