Passwords, how to make it manageable!

If you are like me you find it hard to keep track of the multitude of passwords you use everyday.  Email, social media, work login, banking, every website now has their own "account" with their own special requirements for passwords.    How do you keep track of it all? 

Well, some people have a sticky note under their keyboard (THIS IS NOT SAFE)!

Some people keep a spreadsheet on their computer.  (This doesn't help you login to your computer if you forget that password).

Here is what I use that has made my life real easy.  I use Keepass (no I have not been compensated by password safe in any way for this).

I keep a keepass safe on my dropbox.  *GASP* Yes I keep my passwords on the cloud.  SHOCKING!    Here is why I'm not worried, I use a LONG password for this.  30+ Characters but REALLY easy for ME to remember but not for anyone else.  Create a passphrase or sentence and use that as your master password and then all your passwords become accessible on ALL your devices.

Keepass is available on PC, Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS, and I'm pretty sure windows mobile as well.   Basically every mobile device you configure your Dropbox on can access your keepass and you will have all your passwords available. 

Wait, isn't an open source password app dangerous????   I mean, it's open source so everyone can access it right?
   YES, it is open source and that is what makes it a GOOD password safe.  The more people that try and crack an encryption algorithm and fail, the more secure it actually is.
   Need proof, lets look at the DVD industry many years ago when they were first released.  They used a proprietary algorithm they thought was secure but hadn't been publicly tested and guess what, someone cracked it within 48 hours.   DVD's can be cracked very easily by open source software available freely across the internet.

So battle tested algorithims are what you want.  Keepass is safe and I have been using it for years, stored on the cloud.   I'm sure after this post I'll be subject to more attacks so I'll probably add more characters to my master password, but first they have to gain access to my cloud data, then crack my safe.  It's probably just easier to hack into Equifax at this point if you want to steal my identity.

Thank you for reading.
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