Virtualization: What is it and do I need it?
There is a lot of talk about Virtual Machines now but the reality is that it's not for everyone. TLDR: Do you play online or graphic intensive games? Don't use a VM. Do you do heavy video editing or work? Don't use a VM. Do you browse on the web ALOT? It might be a good idea to use a VM. Do you watch a lot of porn? It might be a good idea to use a VM. Now, for a more in depth look at when and why to virtualize a computer. Let's say you are heavily into gaming, but you want to keep your work stuff separate from your gaming stuff. So on your Windows computer you create a Virtual Machine which is basically a computer within the computer. Microsoft does this through a special service called Hyper-V which is just a fancy name for software based hardware. There are other virtual machine vendors out...