How to back up your personal photos and videos for no cost.
Hello folks,
I know I have not been on in a while but I had a realization today when I showed one of my co-workers how I use google photos to back up all my pictures and video files! Yes, all. I realized what is second nature and common to me isn't for a lot of people so I'm going to resume sharing out my life tips.
Let's face it, what you really care about in life is your pics and videos. Nobody cares if your tax returns file gets deleted. But Pictures and Videos, those are our Memories!
Now... When I say BACKUP, I do mean BACKUP, as in oh my gosh my house burned down and all my computers are melted.
This is not, a sync like MS One Drive or Dropbox.
So what is this magical service where I can backup my pics and vids for free?
***Google Photos*** Yes REALLY!
So for those who already have an Android phone you can set your phone to automatically backup to google photos.
But you can also adjust the google photos "app" to backup specific folders on your computer. I backed up the last 11 years of pictures and videos I have taken and was rewarded with a plethora of auto generated videos, animations, and folders created to help organize the files.
But you can also adjust the google photos "app" to backup specific folders on your computer. I backed up the last 11 years of pictures and videos I have taken and was rewarded with a plethora of auto generated videos, animations, and folders created to help organize the files.
Potential downside/negatives:
The quality of the google backups may be lower resolution or frame rate than what you recorded, but it is still there and face it, it's "Free."
Now, I'm not a lawyer so my guess is at some point in the future I am going to see some of the funny animations of my kid in GIF format on G+ or Instagram or some such, but to ME, that is something I am willing to do if it means my memories are safe from getting randomly deleted. I'm sure I'll see myself or my pets on there at some point and get a really good laugh.
I'm 99% certain that google will use any location data (GPS) from pics or videos for advertising purposes. I'm okay with this. It just means when I see ad's pop up in my feed I want to yell, "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!" and then remember I have a 5 year old so I don't spend it.
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