Don't Put all your eggs in one basket

Okay, so being an IT tech I should know better! Seriously I should.

I take security very seriously. However this week I discovered, too seriously.

I had an app on my android phone I used to store all my passwords.

Android pushed out an OS update for my phone and what did I do? I installed it, I mean most updates are really good and offer new features and better security. I didn't think that it may break my most crucial application. Guess what? IT BROKE MY PASSWORD APP!

I spent the last 4 hours trying to undo this change to get my password database back. It’s not life critical because they can all be reset, but it is EXTREMELY ANNOYING! I’ve spent the last 6 months creating this master database and I even backed up the database into an encrypted password file on my computer. But guess what, the password to get into the encrypted file on my computer, was stored in the database. DOH! I thought I had it memorized, but with so much going on day to day, and so many different passwords, I can’t remember what I used for that one backup database. So here I go again, starting over.

So while I do recommend using password apps, I also recommend keeping your master password LONG, BUT REALLY EASY FOR YOU TO REMEMBER! And Back it up in a different place.

That is all. Have a nice weekend. Go Heels!

Update, after Bricking my phone, spending 2 hours trying to unbrick it, then wasting 2 hours at the Verizon store to see if they could unbrick it, I found some new tips on the internet and Successfully Unbricked the phone, booted into the original OS, re-installed the password app, and VOILA, there they were. I am backing it up NOW! I suggest you do the same. :-)


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