
Showing posts from December, 2017

Virtualization: What is it and do I need it?

There is a lot of talk about Virtual Machines now but the reality is that it's not for everyone.  TLDR:  Do you play online or graphic intensive games? Don't use a VM.               Do you do heavy video editing or work?  Don't use a VM.               Do you browse on the web ALOT?  It might be a good idea to use a VM.               Do you watch a lot of porn? It might be a good idea to use a VM. Now, for a more in depth look at when and why to virtualize a computer.  Let's say you are heavily into gaming, but you want to keep your work stuff separate from your gaming stuff.  So on your Windows computer you create a Virtual Machine which is basically a computer within the computer.  Microsoft does this through a special service called Hyper-V which is just a fancy name for software based hardware. There are other virtual machine vendors out...

Home data storage.

Today we are going to talk about how much drive space you need at home. Let me start with a story from when I was young.  I convinced my parents (This was before I could even drive) to buy me a 100 meg hard drive for my computer.  I was amazed at how much space there was on this thing and I never thought I would fill it up.  (Of course I was limited to 56k bandwidth at the time aka dial-up.)   Now I can take pictures and videos on my mobile phone that could fill up that old hard drive in a matter of seconds. Fast forward many years and we create a lot of data.  No really, a lot of freaking data.   I want on a trip recently and took a lot of pictures and videos and in one weekend I created about 100 gigs of data.  Now that is a lot of data and it was about 6 or 8 hours of HD video plus a lot of 10-12 mega pixel photos from a family vacation.  But that is a lot of data.   I am going to fill up my hard drives quick.  ...

Passwords, how to make it manageable!

If you are like me you find it hard to keep track of the multitude of passwords you use everyday.  Email, social media, work login, banking, every website now has their own "account" with their own special requirements for passwords.    How do you keep track of it all?  Well, some people have a sticky note under their keyboard (THIS IS NOT SAFE)! Some people keep a spreadsheet on their computer.  (This doesn't help you login to your computer if you forget that password). Here is what I use that has made my life real easy.  I use Keepass (no I have not been compensated by password safe in any way for this). I keep a keepass safe on my dropbox.  *GASP* Yes I keep my passwords on the cloud.  SHOCKING!    Here is why I'm not worried, I use a LONG password for this.  30+ Characters but REALLY easy for ME to remember but not for anyone else.  Create a passphrase or sentence and use that as yo...